Aspects to be dealt with: (复习要点)
Difficult sentences (grammar, phrases, translation) (难句,其中有语法,短语,翻译)
Special words (different forms and meanings; different words with similar meanings) and phrases (难词,包括一词的其它词性或形;同义词辨析,和短语)
Writing ( general and practical)(写作,理论和实践)
Unit 1 College Life
I. Difficult sentences
On the steps of one building, a group of engineering seniors huddled, discussing the exam due to begin in a few minutes. = A group of engineering seniors gathered together on the steps of one building. They were discussing the exam which was going to begin in a few minutes. → 一栋教学楼的台阶上围着一群大四的工科生,都在谈论即刻就要开始的考试。
engineering seniors: students who major in engineering and study in the 4th year of a course in a U.S college
discussing: 现在分词做伴随性状语,修饰动词 huddled
due to (do sth.): (showing arrangements made in advance) expected; supposed (to)
e.g. I am due to leave quite soon now. / The plane is due to arrive at 10 p.m.
C.f. due to sth
e.g. He failed to pass the test due to his illness. (because of)
The professor had said they could bring any books or notes they wanted, requesting only that they did not talk to each other during the test. → 老师已经说过可以携带所需的任何书本或笔记,只要不在考试时交头接耳就行了。
“Had said” 是过去完成时,用于在过去发生的事情之前发生的事,此处表示老师先说,学生带书将在它后发生。
Some talked of jobs they already had; others of jobs they would get. = …others talked of jobs they would get.
With all this assurance of four years of college study, they felt ready and able to conquer the world. = Four years of study at college had given them the confidence in their ability and power. They thought they were ready and able to control whatever they would do after graduation. → 四年的大学学习给了他们自信,使他们觉得自己足以征服世界。
The years have obscured the name of this professor, but not the lesson she taught. = After all these years, I don't remember clearly the name of the professor, but I do remember clearly the lesson she taught. → 时光的流逝使我记不清这位老师的姓名,但我却牢牢记住了她的教诲。
Lesson: 1) 功课 2)教训
In less than two weeks, I'll have graduated. → 还有不到两周的时间我就将毕业了。
e.g. By this time next week, you'll have taken your examination.
I hope it will have stopped raining before we have to go.
... the idea of lifetime commitment to a certain job seems like torture. = I feel terrible to think of having to do the same work all my life. → ……一辈子就干一行的想法简直是一种折磨。
commitment: n. responsibility or promise
e.g. Every citizen has a commitment to defend his country.
By signing the lease you made a commitment to pay $500 a month rent.
Every day I wish I could freeze time and make the next two weeks go more slowly.
I wish + 从句表示一种愿望,通常与事实不符,是虚拟语气。与现在事实不符,从句是过去时,与过去事实不符,从句用过去完成时。
e.g. I wish I could fly. / I wish I had studied harder.
Cf. hope -- 希望,指希望的实现不能肯定,但有信心会实现。
e.g. I hope to be a doctor.
II. Special words and phrases
huddle: v. -- to (cause to) crowd together, in a group or in a pile
e.g. The flood victims huddled together for warmth that night.
file into -- to march or walk in the specified direction in a single line (排成单队走)
e.g. As the students filed into the hall, the pop group was already there.
The students filed out of the hall after the concert.
impress upon -- to make the importance of sth. clear to sb.
e.g. She impressed upon her students the importance of learning how to learn at college.
His songs are strongly impressed on my memory.
Remember: impress: v impression: n. impressive: a.
obscure: a. & n.-- to hide, or make difficult to see or to understand; hard to understand
e.g. The moon was obscured by clouds. / His real motive for doing this remains obscure.
Cf. Happen & Take place
e.g. Events happen (by accident) and take place (by arrangement).
denial: n. -- saying that a thing is not so 否认
deny: v. -- say that sth. is not true
e.g. He denied that he was involved. 他否认与己有关。
He denied knowing anything about it. 他否认知道此事。
The company issued a public denial of the story in the newspaper. 这个公司在报上公开否认了那件事。
feel like –
1) want to do or to have sth. 2) seem
e.g. I feel like screaming at the top of my lungs.
I feel like I'm living in denial about graduating.
III. Writing (general and practical)
Forming compound and complex sentences.
Remember: A complete written sentence is one that contains at least a subject and a predicate- verb. If a sentence is made up of more than one set of S-V, usually linked by a conjunction, it becomes a compound or a complex sentence.
1). Study the instructions on your textbook and learn the correct sentences by heart.
2) Write a short paragraph of 80 words or so to describe an unforgettable examination.
Unit 2Study Online
I.Difficult sentences
Learning via the Internet is a new style that many people believe is more successful than the conventional form of teaching. → 通过因特网学习是一种新的学习方式。许多人认为它比传统的教学形式更有效。
“that ... believe” 为that 引导的定语从句,修饰style; 从句里 many 是主语,believe是谓语动词。
conventional: a. -- traditional
There are so many choices of courses and subjects on time frames that completing a program is not an issue for students anymore. → (在网上)学生选择课程和时间段的余地很多,因此,完成一项教学计划对他们来说就不再是问题了。
frame: n. --- range范围
“completing” 是动名词,在这个状语从句里做主语。
e.g. Seeing is believing. / Reading without thorough comprehension is no good.
Learning English requires a lot of efforts.
Over time, Kelley has learned to move her fingers enough to use a computer and to get around daily with the help of a wheelchair. → 随着时间的推移,凯莉已学会了移动手指去使用计算机,也学会了借助轮椅的帮助去料理日常生活。
Most traditional programs did not allow her to balance her education with a growing family. → 就大多数传统的教学方案来说,她是做不到既在上学又照顾好正在成长的孩子们的。
allow sb. to do sth.
balance: v. -- give equal importance to (different part of sth.)
e.g. Try to balance your diet by eating more fruit and less protein.
Kelly's story is a wonderful reminder about the impact of Distance Education on the lives of our students who cannot meet their needs through traditional on-campus programs. → 凯莉的情况是一个极好的例子。它让我们意识到,远程教育对那些不能通过传统的校园教育方案中学习的学生的生活有巨大影响。
impact on (sb. / sth.) -- strong effect or impression on sb. / sth.
e.g. The impact of new technology on modern industry is really amazing.
meet one’s needs -- satisfy one’s needs, here it means “study”.
e.g. This hotel is popular for their efforts to meet the customers' needs.
Kelly reminds us of the mission we have in Distance Education -- to bring a quality education and experience to students regardless of their geographic location or life circumstances. → 凯莉让我们看到我们在远程教育中的任务,即无论学生的地理位置或生活状况如何,我们都要为他们提供高质量的教育和经验。
remind sb. of sth. -- cause sb. to remember sth.
e.g. These things remind me of my mother.
“we have” 在此是定语从句,修饰 “mission”.
quality n. --- excellence 优质,在此做定语
e.g. We only sell quality furniture.
regardless of sth. -- paying no attention to sb. / sth.
e.g. He continued speaking, regardless of my anger.
I immediately looked to education since I had no degree. = Since I had no degree, I at once turned my attention to my further education. → 因为我没有学位,我立刻开始寻求深造机会。
look to sb. / sth. for sth. -- expect sb. / sth. to provide sth.
e.g. Many people are looking to the new leader to improve the conditions.
Many of these faculty and staff, however, say that it is Kelly who has been outstanding.
faculty and staff都是集体名词,一般只以单数形式出现;但它们的单数往往可以用作复数。集体名词在句中是单数还是复数要根据不同情况或意义而定。
e.g. The class is big. / The class are taking notes in English.
My family was small. / His family are all model workers.
II. Special words and phrases
the world --- human affairs 世事
e.g. …we want to know more about the world around us ...
It’s nice to get away from the world once in a while.
world: n. -- class, division, profession, field
e.g. The news shocked the world of science.
... students were working and exploring the wonderful world of knowledge together, ...
approach v. & n. --- come close, move towards / method, technique
e.g. The final exam is approaching. / His whole approach to the problem is very wrong.
The Internet is one of those approaches.
issue n. -- important topic for discussion; point in question 重要议题;争论点
v. -- send sth. out; publish; supply sth. to sb. for use
e.g. In this meeting, a lot of new issues were raised.
The government issued warm clothing to the survivors at once.
He helped the children by issuing books to them.
Cf. problem 指疑难或困难的问题
question 指需要回答或解决的问题
e.g. To solve her financial problem, she got another job.
Asking questions is helpful in learning English.
available a. --- able to be got, obtained, used, etc.
e.g. Today there is a “library” in our house and it is available 24 hours a day.
availability n.
access n. -- 通路,接近的方法指进入或使用(人或物)的方法或权利
e.g. Professor have free access to the library. 教授可以自由进入图书馆。
Education will be much cheaper in the future because of Internet access to information.
accessible a. -- ready, at hand, reachable , easy to get to
e.g. The Internet makes distance learning accessible to those people with physical problems.
The university succeeded in making the computer lab accessible to all the students.
A doctor should have a telephone accessible at all times.
Cf. continuous a. 连续的,指连续而不断,中间无间隔
continual a. 指常常的,中间有短暂的间隔
e.g. Continual practice is necessary to learn English well.
The life of universe is continuous.
participate in -- take part in (activities) (participation n.)
Cf. join -- become a member join in an activity
e.g. How many countries will participate in (take part in) the World Cup?
He joined the army in 1980. / Will you come to join us in the game?
Cf. as & like如同,像意思接近,词性不同。as 是副词,修饰副词(状语),从句,或形容词;like 是介词,修饰名词。
e.g. As before he kept silent.
She is like you.
intention n. -- a plan or purpose intend v.
e.g. What do you think is the author's intention in this passage?
I intended to do it, but I am sorry I forgot.
pursue v. -- to follow or search for sb. or sth. in order to catch or kill
pursuit n.
e.g. He was killed by the driver of a stolen car who was being hotly pursued by the police.
More and more farmers have left for big cities in pursuit of work.
afford sth. to sb. -- provide sth.; give sth. ; afford (通常与can, could, be able to连用) -- have enough money, time, space for a purpose
e.g. They walked because they couldn't afford a taxi. 他们因坐不起出租车而步行。
I'd love to go on holiday but I can't afford the time.
TV affords pleasure to many. 电视给很多人带来乐趣。
III. Writing
1). Try to remember the countable and uncountable words, especially some very commonly used ones, for example, those shown on the textbook (p. 41~42).
2) Remember when "the" should be used and when “a / an” should be the choice with the help of more practice.
Unit 3Leisure Activities
I. Difficult sentences
... but deep down there’s something you’re really eager to find, but you can’t quite put your finger on. = ... but actually you really want to find some good ways to fill your spare time, but you can't do it. → 但你内心深处(事实上)真渴望找到一些事情来打发时间,可你却找不到。
deep down --- in reality; in spite of appearance
e.g. I'm getting a queasy feeling deep down every time I think about my graduating very soon.
She seemed indifferent, but deep down she was very proud of herself.
put one's finger on --- point out exactly, find
e.g. I can't put my finger on what is wrong.
Others prefer to take a more eclectic approach, being members of several societies and taking part in whichever of their events seem interesting. → 其他人更喜欢采取一种比较开放的方式——同时参加几个社团,并参加所有他们感兴趣的活动。
"Being" 是现在分词,做状语,相当于 “becoming”, 此处与"taking"平行。
"Whichever of their events seem interesting"是由whichever 引导的名词从句,在此做in 的宾语。
e.g. You must give it back to whoever it belongs to.
The question of whether one is handicapped or not is not important for the Internet school.
You can talk about whatever you like.
Many people, perhaps foolishly, completely ignore University societies and just hang out with mates in college. = It may not be very wise, but many students join no groups on campus and just spend time together casually. → 还有许多人,也许有点笨,完全无视大学社团的存在,只是与大学同学在一起打发时间。
ignore vt. -- to refuse to pay attention to 不理睬
e.g. Some children tend to ignore their parents' advice.
I can't ignore his rudeness any longer.
ignorant a. ignorance n.
Cf. neglect vt.-- give not enough attention to sb./ sth.
e.g. He likes to play so much that he neglects his studies.
hang out (imfml.) -- to spend lots of time in a particular place or with particular people.
e.g. Instead of staying with their parents all the time, most children like to hang out with friends and do whatever they like.
"Hack" is the negative term applied to those seeking advancement (usually to President) in whatever Club or Society, and some clubs such as the Oxford Union or the Guild Society tend to attract those with the spark of ambition more than others. → “专营”是个贬义词,指的是有些学生在俱乐部或社团里追求职位的提高(通常是做主席),有些社团,比如牛津学生会或同业学生会总能吸引那些比别人更有野心的人。
"Applied to "是过去分词短语,修饰 "term", 意思是“被用于”,即“指的是”。
"With the spark of ambition more than others"可以理解为 "with more spark of ambition than others",意思是“比别人更有野心”。
I found a way out in my leisure time. = I found that making good use of my leisure time could be very helpful. → 我发现好好利用业余时间是个好办法。
II. Special words and phrases
move v --- movement n major a. -- majority n.
prefer v. -- preference n . difficult a. -- difficulty n.
graduate v. -- graduation n
throw oneself into -- to work very busily at
e.g. The moment he became determined to pass the test, he threw himself into his studies.
immerse oneself in -- to put deep into water / to cause oneself to enter deeply into an activity
e.g. He immersed his foot in ice cold water to reduce the swelling.
She was so immersed in her work that she did not notice me.
I truly get to learn the culture by being immersed in its workforce. (Unit 4)
Cf. thrive vi. -- develop well and be healthy 有时指兴旺的过程
e.g. Now that the highway is finished, the shopping center should thrive.
flourish vi -- grow healthily, be active or successful 有时指兴旺的状态
e.g. The company has really flourished since it moved to the south.
apply sth. to sth. -- attach sth. to sth. 应用……于 application n.
e.g. He applied what he had learned to the experiment.
Some people like to apply nicknames to others.
The application of any impolite terms to other people should be avoided.
+ applied mathematics, linguistics 应用数学,应用语言学
apply (to sb.) (for sth.) -- make a forma request 申请
e.g. You should apply to the personnel for the job.
Send your application form to the office before the interview.
bewilder v. bewildering a.
bewilderingly adv. bewilderment n.
e.g. Big city traffic bewilders me.
He was so bewildered that he did not know what to answer.
This paper is too long with a bewildering mass of details.
Imagine my bewilderment when the plane landed in the wrong city!
tie the knot -- get married
III. Writing
Do more questions on verb tenses and review our talk about writing posters and invitation cards?
Unit 4Living on Your Own
I. Difficult sentences
I was pretty open about where to go and what kind of work to undertake. = I didn't have a specific idea as to where to go and what kind of work to take while facing several options.
open a. -- not completely decided
e.g. Try to keep an open mind on the subject until you have heard all the facts.
undertake v. -- to take up or accept
e.g. She undertook the responsibility for the changes.
"where to go and what kind of work to undertake"是wh-词引导的不定式结构做介词的宾语,相当于一个宾语从句。
e.g. Please tell me where to go. / I wonder how to do it.
The question of whether to take a medical check remains undecided.
It wasn't until my third day that I visited the BUNAC office and went through orientation.
"it wasn't until ... that... "是强调结构
e.g. It wasn't until my failure that I became determined to work hard. financial resources were running low = I was running out of money → 我快没钱了。
run v. -- become
e.g. I was very tired and my energy was running low.
The gas in the tank was running low.
It turns out that ... = in the end, it happens to be .. 结果是
e.g. It turned out that my new job was much easier than I expected.
It turned out that he survived that terrible accident.
As a result there are many employers in many different fields to choose from = many kinds of jobs are available.→结果,很多领域里有许多工作机会供我选择
employer n. --雇主(公司,老板)employee n. 工作人员
employ v. 雇用 employment n. 工作/ 雇用
I probably covered only half of what I intended. = I probably visited only half of the places I wanted to travel.
cover v. --覆盖;包含;走(一段路程)
e.g. She covered ten European countries in fifteen days. / Please cover the table with a cloth.
This paragraph has covered the main idea of the passage.
I would not hesitate for a second to recommend to anyone. = I'd readily and enthusiastically recommend it to anyone.
"would not hesitate for a second" -- at once; readily
e.g. I would not hesitate for a second to work for a Doctor's degree if I have a chance.
I have learned that living on my own requires that I become more responsible.
"requires"后接虚拟语气,以should (可省)+ 动词原形表示。还有以下动词后也要这样用,如:request, suggest , order, insist, recommend, 等。
e.g. The teacher required that you finish the assignment in two hours.
The chairman requested that the members study the problem more carefully.
II.Special words and phrases
on one's own --- 1) alone 2) without help
e.g. She lives on her own. / He can be left to work on his own.
learn (about / of sth. ) -- get to know about sth.
e.g. I am sorry to learn of your illness. / You have to learn that it's no use blaming others.
accommodations n. --- room or rooms (not in hotel) rented for living in
e.g. The accommodations in many universities have been greatly improved.
accommodate v. --- 供给……住宿或房间
e.g. This hotel can accommodate up to 800 guests.
locate v. 使座落于 location n. 位置,地方
e.g. The information office is located in the city center.
Before talking about the city, we'd better find its location on the map.
economy n. 节省,节约能源 economics n. 经济学
economic a. 经济学的,经济的 economical a. 节俭的
decide to do sth.
+ decision n. decided a. decisive a. decisiveness n.
Cf. think of sb. & think about sth. / doing sth.
fail to do sth. (+ fail v. failure n.)
author n. authorize v. authority (authorities) n.
III. Writing (Consistency of Verb Tenses)
Review the instructions and questions on the text and learn the important rules by heart with the help of more practice.
Unit 5 Sources of Information
I. Difficult sentences
Amusing myself at the tool bench, I hit my finger with a hammer. = When I was playing with the tool bench, I hit my finger with a hammer. → 我正在玩耍工具凳时,不小心用锤子砸伤了手指。
amuse v. -- entertain; please, interest 使……开心,感兴趣
e.g. We amused ourselves by playing games.
I do it only for amusement. (n.)
I walked around the house sucking my pounding finger, finally arriving at the telephone!
Why is it that birds should sing so beautifully and bring joy to all families, only to end up as a heap of feathers on the bottom of a cage?
only to do sth.: --反而;却
e.g. He tried to cross the boarder, only to be caught by the police.
I wonder if you have any idea how much you meant to me during that time. = I don't know whether you know that you were very very important to me during that time.
The Web is extensive, relatively easy to access, and provides virtually unlimited information. = The Web is large and convenient, with much information on almost any subject.
virtually adv. -- almost, very nearly
e.g. The reply is virtually an acceptance of our offer.
He is virtually a stranger to me though we have met.
When you need current information and you need it now, there is no alternative. = The Web is the only place to look if you need up to date information immediately.
alternative n. -- a chance to choose between two possible things
e.g. I'm afraid I have no alternative but to report you to the teacher.
We have no alternative in this matter.
The advent of the Web as a research tool has greatly expanded the availability of information while reducing the amount of time needed on each task. = Since they've started using the Web, researchers have become able to find much more information and to it faster.
advent n. --the arrival or coming of (an important event, period, invention, etc.)
e.g. People are much better informed since the advent of television.
The bird got everything prepared before the advent of the cold season.
expand v. -- grow larger; increase in size, number, volume, degree, etc.
e.g. He expanded his story into a novel.
Cf. extend --- 伸直,扩展指通过伸展,扩大或加长超过目前的范围
expand --- 扩大,指上下、左右、前后任何方向的扩张
e.g. The road extends for miles and miles.
His face expanded in a smile of welcome.
Although it takes time to sift through the multitude sources, I find that after years of use I can quickly analyze the search results to find the most appropriate site. = It takes time to compare the many sources and find the best website, but after years of practice I've learned to do this quickly.
Overall, the Web has given me the opportunity to be many more times effective at obtaining data. = Most of the time the Web allows me to be far more effective at obtaining data.
This enhances my networking capability to be in touch with many people with the same interest looking at a particular subject. = This improves my ability to interact with many people who share my interests.
II. Special words and phrases
appreciate v. appreciation n. patient a. patience n.
miracle n. miraculous a. current a. currency n.
majority n. major a. & n. [minority n. minor a. & n.]
capability n. capable a. [ability n. able a.]
collaborative a. collaborate v.
put down ---land
e.g. My plane put down in Seattle.
make a, no, some, etc. difference (between, in, to,..)--- have ...effect (on sb. / sth.)/ be important, unimportant, etc. (to sb. / sth.)
e.g. Whatever you do makes little difference to me.
Flowers make a lot of difference to a room.
be involved in --- become connected or concerned
e.g. If I were you, I would not get involved in their problems.
He was involved in working out the plan.
look up --- to find (information) in a book
e.g. We don't have to look up every new word in a dictionary when we are reading a novel.
III. Writing
Review the instructions on subject and predicate agreement and do some exercises.
Unit 6Olympic Volunteers
I.Difficult sentences
...and this knowledge, I felt, would stand me in good stead as I developed the media services that would be needed for our Salt Lake City Winter Games in 2002. = ...I felt this knowledge would help me develop the media services for the 2002 Games. → 我觉得这一知识对我在为我们承办2002年盐湖城冬奥会所需要的媒体服务积累经验非常有帮助。
...I was part of something important, something big that could well be a once-in-a-lifetime experience. = ...I was involved in a major event that could become a unique and special event in my life.→我是一项非常重要、非常宏大的赛事中的一员,这种经历我一生中难得再有第二次。
...the stories of the emotional highs and lows of the competitors would never reach the outside world. = one outside the Olympic Games would ever find out about the happiness and sadness of the competitors. → ……有关体育健儿成功或失败的消息将不会为人所知。
... we reveled in the compliments we received. = ...we greatly enjoyed the compliments we got.
revel in -- to enjoy greatly
e.g. They were drinking and reveling all night. / She revels in hearing about her success.
compliment n.& v. -- an expression of or praise; / to praise with a compliment
e.g. He received many compliments on his new suit.
He complimented her, but she did want to listen.
... the City of Turin on its own initiative has launched the project Youth of 2006. = the City of Turin by itself has created the project Youth of 2006. → 都林市率先发起了“青年2006”的活动。
on one's own initiative -- without anyone else ordering one to do sth. 主动地,自发地
e.g. In the absence of her teacher, the monitor acted on her own initiative.
launch v. -- begin; put (sth.) into motion
e.g. The company is to launch another commercial campaign.
... with enthusiasm and dedication, make sure everything runs smoothly and that the athletes and the public feel at ease during their stay. = ... gladly and diligently make sure events occur in an orderly way and that the athletes and spectators feel comfortable while they're here.→他们用自己的热忱和奉献精神,确保每个环节正常运行,确保体育健儿和观众在此期间过得轻松愉快。
II.Special words and phrases
keen (of the mind, the feelings, the five senses, etc) -- have a strong , active interest
e.g. He is not very keen on that idea./ She is keen on playing basketball.
stand sb. in good stead -- be useful or helpful to sb. when needed
e.g. These notes stood me in good stead in my preparing for the test.
out of choice - willingly
e.g. She helped the man out of choice.
On hearing the old lady's story, many people gave her some money out of choice.
in harmony (with sb. / sth.) -- matching, agreeing 和谐;协调
e.g. The three generations have been living together in perfect harmony.
His tastes are in harmony with mine.
feel at ease -- feel comfortable or relaxed 自在
e.g. I always feel at ease in his company.
choice n. choose v. (chose, chosen ) supervise v. supervisor n. supervision n.
mass n. massive a. recognize v. recognition n.
participate v. participation n. contribute v. contribution n.
incarnate v. incarnation n. ease v. & n. easy a.
III. Writing Passive Voice
Remember the instructions: Generally, we prefer active voice to passive voice in English writing. However, there are situations in which the passive voice is preferable. The passive voice is used when the actor is unknown or unimportant or when we want to draw attention to the person, place, or thing being acted upon. Besides, we chose to use passive voice when an impersonal voice is required, such as in scientific writing, which often describes procedures -- and not the individuals who carry them out. In addition, do more exercises.
Unit 7Learning Strategies
I. Difficult sentences
Sophia Stella ... is one of many undergraduates who become involved, one way or another, in research performed at the university. = Sophia Stella is one of many students who participated somehow in undergraduate research at Columbia's School of Engineering → 哥伦比亚大学工程学院二年级学生索菲亚·斯黛拉,是众多以各种方式在校参与研究工作的学生之一。
one way or another -- somehow; by some means, methods
e.g. Almost every country becomes involved, one way or another, when there's a world war.
We must finish the work within the week one way or another.
Students and professors agree that an undergraduate research project can be uniquely
beneficial to both parties. = Students and professors both find undergraduate research
helpful → 老师和学生都认为,大学生从事研究工作对师生双方都有特别的好处。
be uniquely beneficial -- be especially helpful
e.g. Going to class more often may be beneficial to your grade.
Encouraging people not to throw garbage to the street is beneficial to society.
Ideally, undergraduate research is an opportunity for the kind of intensive study that can expand the mind in ways traditional courses can't. = Undergraduate research allows students to think more deeply for themselves than traditional courses do. →大学生从事研究是一种非常理想的深入学习的机会,能拓展思维,而这是传统教育做不到的。
"To really understand a discipline you have to get the feeling that knowledge isn't just out there and you passively have to absorb it, but rather that it's constantly being created and we're constantly rethinking things...→ 要真正学好一门课程,你必需要有这种感觉:知识不是现成的,等着你去被吸收,知识是不断的丰富的,而我们也得不断地思考……
discipline n. -- branch of knowledge or subject of instructions 学科;教学科目;ordered behavior, e.g. of schoolchildren, soldier纪律
e.g. These children show perfect discipline in class.
it isn't just ... but rather ...--- it's true (that) ... but it's more important (that) ...
e.g. It isn't just the bad grade you got, but rather the lack of efforts that bothered me.
It isn't just the stifling heat, but rather the dripping humidity that makes Changsha uncomfortable in summer.
When students see a discipline as evolving rather than fixed, they usually get a lot more excited about learning.... = Students enjoy the process of seeing new knowledge being created. → 当学生认识到一门学科是发展的而非静止的,他们就会对学习产生更大的兴趣。
see... as...: consider ... to; regard ... as ...
e.g. It would make you disappointed if you try to see the ugly building as a work of art.
It's a process of looking for holes and trying to plug them, ... → 这是一个发现漏洞然后竭力补漏的过程,……
He also describes how creating a piece of original research instilled a "pride of authorship" in his work. = Students are proud when they see their own work becoming part of the new knowledge created by the research.
original research -- research done on one's own, perhaps on a new topic or in search of new facts or theories on an old topic. 有创意的独特的研究
e.g. Anyone who earns a doctorate is expected to do original research.
pride of authorship -- satisfaction at seeing one's own work in print 独家创造的自豪
e.g. It was the first publication, so his pride of authorship was understandable even though the article was very short.
...paid research work gives her an opportunity to transform a work-study job into an engaging aspect of her education. = Working part-time for the college can be made more interesting and informative if it involves research. → 有偿研究工作使她的勤工俭学演变成其教育的充满魅力的一个方面。
engaging a. -- likely to attract or occupy the attention; charming
e.g. an engaging smile, manner, person 迷人的微笑、姿态、人
... these are students pursuing a career that requires some demonstration of altruistic commitment, such as medicine. → 这些学生将来从事的职业通常需要他们关心他人, 比如从医。
He supplements his actions with his own creative touch. → 他添上自己的特色。 emulate the successful people, the doers of the world. → 模仿世上那些成功的人和实干的人。
II.Special words and phrases
independent a. (independencen.) beneficial a. (benefit n.)
emulate v. (emulationn.)
rather than -- instead of
e.g. I think I'll have a cold drink rather than coffee.
Rather than say "Thank you" he turned around and left at once.
would rather…than — prefer to
e.g. She would rather die than lose the children.
He said he would beg in the street than get in such a dishonest way.
instill sth. (in /into sb.) -- introduce gradually, inspire
e.g. The couple instilled a love of music in their children.
constitute v. -- make up, form
e.g. Meat, milk, vegetables, fruit, and starches constitute a balanced diet.
in person -- directly, face to face
e.g. I can understand your English better in person than I can on the phone.
convert -- change, turn
e.g. The plant converts grapes into wine.
consist of --- include ... as its main parts
e.g. The book consists of eight chapters.
Our class reunion consisted of eating, drinking, dancing, and visiting.
III. Writing:Subjunctive mood
Remember the instructions: The subjunctive mood is used when we want to express a wish, request, recommendation or report of a command. Also, the subjunctive mood is used to express something that is contrary to the fact, highly unlikely or doubtful. Practice as much as possible. Learn to design a notice by following the directions on the text book.
Unit 8Love and Friendship
I. Difficult sentences
... we ended up on the lawn ... = the last place we were on the lawn
end up --- finally arrive
e.g. After dinner we ended up at the movie. / The tour group ended up at the hotel
... spent that day just being freshmen ... = spent that day merely doing typical things that freshmen do
... saying goodbye at the end of the first year may feel like saying goodbye forever. = When you say goodbye at the end of the freshman year it's easy to imagine you'll never see each other again.
... comparing them to siblings at the end of your junior year as I did. = ...feeling like they were my sisters.
You will do a lot more growing up ... = You will experience many things before you become more mature.
That lesson can best be summarized by something Alisa and Karen told me when I was upset at the end of last semester and needed a shoulder to cry on. → 那一课可以用艾莉莎对我说过的一番话来做一个最好的总结。当时是最后一个学期的期末,我很难过,需要靠在一个人肩上痛哭一场。
a shoulder to cry on -- someone from whom one gets sympathy
e.g. The embarrassed child needed his mother's shoulder to cry on.
When the student got the score from the entrance exam she needed a shoulder to cry on.
I couldn't agree more. = I completely and enthusiastically agree. → 我不能再同意了。(我完全同意。)
He left nothing to chance. = He did not permit any uncertainty.
There is a standing purchase and delivery order that I have on file down here. = In the business records at my present location there is a written instruction to deliver the items mentioned at regular intervals or whenever they are needed, and an explanation of how they will be paid for.
You fulfilled my every need. = You always gave me everything I needed
e.g. The five star hotel fulfilled our every need as tourists.
The nurse fulfilled every need of the doctor and the patients.
II.Special words and phrases
intimate a. --having an extremely close relationship
e.g. We have been intimate friends for some years.
acquaintance n. -- a person whom one knows, but who is not a close friend
e.g. He has a wide circle of acquaintances.
We began the semester as acquaintances and ended it as friends.
Cf. compare ... to 比作 compare ... with 和……比较
e.g. Poets have compared sleep to death.
A beginner's painting can't be compared to that of an expert.
This can't compare with that.
Let's compare the life in the city with that in the country.
motion v. -- to gesture
e.g. She motioned the waiter for another chair.
The passenger motioned to the driver to stop the bus and let him get off.
take sb. on a tour of -- to serve sb. as a tour guide, formally or informally
e.g. He took his foreign friend on a tour of the city.
in advance -- in advance; beforehand
e.g. It's unwise to spend your income in advance. / We had to pay the rent two weeks in advance.
identical a. -- the same
e.g. The views on education are almost identical.
The fingerprints of no two persons are identical.
III. Writing: Punctuation
Remember the instructions: If we want to write clearly, we must learn how to punctuate correctly. In fact, every mark of punctuation carries some meaning and gives hints to the reader. An incorrect punctuation mark can often change the meaning of sentence and cause misunderstanding. A good writer is always carefully about the punctuation. Do as many drills as possible. Design an invitation card, following the example on P.160.