第一章 一个完全相反的地方 |
第一节 A thoroughly negative place(I) |
第二节 A thoroughly negative place(II) |
第三节 Rural life in England(I) |
第四节 Rural life in England(II) |
第五节 Down the Valley(I) |
第六节 Down the Valley(II) |
第七节 Once More to the Lake(I) |
第八节 Once More to the Lake(II) |
第九节 Once More to the Lake(III) |
第十节 Once More to the Lake(IV) |
第十一节 The Authors Accoun to fHimself(I) |
第十二节 The Authors Account of Himself(II) |
第二章 假如给我三天光明 |
第一节 Three Days to See(I) |
第二节 Three Days to See(II) |
第三节 Three Days to See(III) |
第四节 Three Days to See(IV) |
第五节 Three Days to See(V) |
第六节 Three Days to See(VI) |
第七节 My Life is Over(I) |
第八节 My Life is Over(II) |
第九节 The Strenuous Life |
第十节 Hour in the Sun |
第十一节 Of Youth and Age |
第十二节 To Love and Be Loved |
第三章 晚夏那朵等爱的玫瑰 |
第一节 Late Summer |
第二节 The Rose |
第三节 August |
第四节 First Snow |
第五节 This Was My Mother |
第六节 The Joys of Writing(I) |
第七节 The Joys of Writiing(II) |
第四章 聪明头脑与完美人生 |
第一节 Of Studies(I) |
第二节 Of Studies(II) |
第三节 Common Sense(I) |
第四节 Common Sense(II) |
第五节 On Idleness(I) |
第六节 On Idleness(II) |
第七节 The Ephemera(I) |
第八节 The Ephemera(II) |
第九节 Beauty(I) |
第十节 Beauty(II) |
第十一节 Beauty(III) |
第十二节 Beauty(IV) |
第五章 宽容的快乐先知 |
第一节 Prologue Tolerance(I) |
第二节 Prologue Tolerance(II) |
第三节 The Prophet(I) |
第四节 The Prophet(II) |
第五节 The Prophet(III) |
第六节 The Happy Valley |
第七节 On Peace of Mind |
第八节 On the Instability of Human Glory |
第九节 True Nobilty |
第十节 Mans Guide |
第十一节 The Crescent Moon |
第六章 抵达黄金国 |
第一节 On Motes and Beams |
第二节 The Spirit of Man |
第三节 The Human Story |
第四节 Be Happy |
第五节 The Golden Mean |
第六节 Irony and Pity |
第七节 The Handsome and Deformed Leg |
第八节 EI Dorado |
拓展资源 |
学习指南(一) |
第一篇 一个完全相反的地方 第二篇 假如给我三天光明 第三篇 晚霞那朵等爱的玫瑰 第四篇 聪明头脑与完美人生 第五篇 宽容的快乐先知 第六篇 抵达黄金国 二、英语散文的教学 1、以篇章结构为主线,以文本修辞为重点,加深学员对社会和人生的理解。 2、在课前教师根据自己确定的教学目的,把与课文相关的语言难点,文化背景,文体修辞知识,语言文学知识,有计划,有目的地讲述给学员。 3、启发学员独立思考,培养学员对文章的分析和鉴赏能力,全面提高学员的英语水平。 (1)注意文学欣赏的感悟性特点。 (2)注意文学欣赏的审美性特点。 (3)注意文学欣赏的创造性特点。 三、英语散文学习重点 u注意英语散文的立论方法。 u注意遣词造句,谋篇布局的技巧。
学习指南(二) |
Section 2 The Definition of Prose Definition of Prose What is prose uProse, a word supposed to be derived from the Lat. prorsus, directly or straightly, and signifying the plain speech of mankind, when written, or rhetorically composed, without reference to the rules of verse. It has been usual to distinguish prose very definitely from poetry (q.v.), and this was an early opinion. uProse is most safely defined as comprising all forms of careful literary expression which are not metrically versified. Prose, on the other hand, is straight and plain, not an artistic product, but used for stating precisely that which is true in reason or fact. uProse is not the negation of all laws of speech; it rejects merely those laws, which depend upon metre.But this much is plain; the first requirement of it is that these sentences should be so arranged as to ensure lucidityand directness. In prose, that the meaning should be given is the primal necessity. uIt is needful that to plainness should be added various attractions and ornaments. The sentences must be built up in a manner which displays variety and flexibility. uIt is highly desirable that there should be a harmony, and even a rhythm, in the progress of style, care being always taken that this rhythm and this harmony are not those of verse, or recognizably metrical. uAgain, the color and form of adjectives, and their sufficient yet not excessive recurrence, is an important factor in the construction of prose. The omission of certain faults, too, is essential. In every language grammatical correctness is obligatory. The standard of good prose What is required in good prose is a moderate and reasonable elevation without bombast or bathos. It is better to hold to the simpler view that prose is literary expression not subjected to any species of metrical law. American prose style Academic prose style An academic prose style is a style often employed in the writing of pieces of an analytic or expositorynature. Its diction is elevated, hieratic, polysyllabic, latinate. Many critics and essayists have found success with this style, despite its overwritten and pretentiousnature. An academic prose style is easily understood by its target audience, and is impartial, thus avoiding biased, opinionated judgments. It supports its claims with textual evidence, sometimes using footnotes or endnotes or parenthetical citations. American literary prose style Prose styles can be called by many names—pure, ornate, florid, simple, elaborate. To better understand prose style, the comparison of prose samples from various writers is essential. These samples can be analyzed in terms of their sentence structure, syntax, diction, rhythm, and rhetoric. uHemingway’s prose style(海明威式的散文风格) Hemingway’s prose style is simple and flows and uses only simple words. It is often called a journalistic style because it is straight-forward like newspapers. The description is literal and does not use many metaphors. It is good description though, concrete and honest. His writing is paratactic. But Hemingway would not use that word. He would not use a word that would send anyone to the dictionary. “Nick and his father got in the stern of the boat and the Indians shoved it off and one of them got in to row” is a paratactic sentence. It contains many shorter sentences and uses no words like “because” or “when” to connect them. Instead it uses the word “and”. Hemingway liked sentences that readthe way people talk. “I'm going to tell you a story,” he would sometimes say. He liked stories that someone could hear at a bar and he liked curt sentences. Hemingway spent a good deal of time in bars, and wrote many curt sentences. uF. Scott Fitzgerald’s prose style(费茨杰拉德的散文风格) F. Scott Fitzgerald’s style is natural. Line follows line effortlessly, never rhythmic enough to be called “musical”, yet never completely “conversational”. His sentences are long, with subordinate clauses;they make use of semicolons(分号)and dashes(破折号)sometimes. Fitzgerald writes vivid description, concrete images like “whitewashed railroad fence”. He uses rare and surprising words like “swank”(狂野的)and “orgiastic”(放荡的). His use of trope(修辞,比喻)is sparse. A sneaky metonym(神出鬼没的换喻)here or there, a clandestine(秘密的,诡秘的) synecdoche(提喻), maybe--but rarely a metaphor(暗语). When he uses one, it has the ring of money, or better. It is in the sparing use of these recourses, the balance, that Fitzgerald finds its fluidity. uFaulkner’s prose style(福克纳式的散文风格) Faulkner was primarily an influence --- a voice more deeply voiced through the pens of his followers then through his own. Faulkner did most anything he wanted. They would come up once in every while, those long sentences, and flow, line after line, broken up by some modifying adverbial clauses or some crisp, startling adjectives that made it all more vivid, his sentences would work. But he wrote simple sentences too. He wrote sentences like the ones Hemingway wrote. The plethora experimentation of everything makes readers fascinated by him. uA cornucopia of prose styles (丰富的散文风格) To know prose is to know its every facet. In print culture we find a cornucopia of prose styles, but few as enigmatic as Faulkner's, few as charismatic as Fitzgerald's, and few as definitive as Hemingway’s. They are the quintessential—there’s that word again--voices of an American generation; Hemingway and Faulkner sit at the extremes of simplicity and complexity, respectively, and in the middle of the continuum(数轴上,坐标轴上)comfortably floats Fitzgerald. To know their styles, in a sense is to know all styles, to know all possibilities. This is the role of the critic; the role of the writer goes one step further. A writer who can imitate, all three---far from being ridiculous, pedantic, and pretentious---is no doubt marked for splendor, grandeur, and everlasting fame.
学习指南(三) |
Section 3 English Essay Guidelines Glossary: Conventions of form(英语散文的类型) An editorial is a statement on a current issue written by an editor or editorial board of a publication. The editorial, written or broadcast, reflects the philosophy and position of the publication or media network. Its purpose is to express ideas and opinions on a contemporary issue of interest to a particular public. This audience, although distant, is identifiable as the readership of a particular region, or the group most likely to buy a particular newspaper. The structure of the editorial includes a very brief introduction, a concentration on the development of the main argument, and concludes with an exhortation to action. Space and time limitations tend to keep editorials short and to the point. Expository and persuasive language is used by the editor to develop his/her view on the issue. The voice and viewpoint of the editorial writer is clearly evident — individualistic in style and diction. In print journalism the third person is used, while broadcast editorials use the first person. The tone may be provocative, satirical, or didactic in order to have an impact on the audience, such as a call to action, a development of awareness, an evoking of feeling. uEssay: Argumentation(议论文) An argumentative essay is a selection of writing designed to defend a position or thesis.The purpose of the argumentative essay is to convince the reader through reason, logic and illustration that a stated position, view, theory or premise is true or false. Structurally the argumentative essay follows the thesis, point development, conclusion pattern of the formal essay. The audience must be clearly understood by the writer as he develops arguments, anticipates rebuttals, defends conclusions which that audience is likely to present or need in order to be convinced. Thought may be either inductive (moving from the specific to the general) or deductive (moving from a generalization to specific application).The language will be precise, organized, denotative. Where effective, exposition will provide the needed explanation or analysis in order to make a point. While persuasion appeals to emotion and personal involvement, the tone of argumentation is factual, removed, precise and logical.The impact of an argumentative essay is to convince logically and rationally that a viewpoint is true or false, right or wrong. uEssay: Classical(古典派) The classical essay is a highly crafted written exploration/reflection on values and/or life experiences in a philosophical way. The purpose of the classical essay is to explore and reflect on values and the meaning of experiences. Although the audience includes all mankind, there is often a strong sense of the self of the writer as audience as well. The classical essay is structured in a subtle way that moves purposefully towards an affirmation or assertion of a value or experience. The structure of this essay may move from the broad to the narrow, or vice versa, presenting a range of exploration techniques such as comparison and contrast, use of example, presenting of the pro and the con of a matter, etc. The conclusion is not necessarily definitive but reflects the nature and significance of the exploration. The language is sophisticated, often shaped through evocative word choices and imagery, crafted with elegant simplicity or great elaboration. It may be in first, second, or third person, is often stylized, and strongly rhetorical. The writer’s voice is individualistic. The tone is tentative, reflective, questioning – generally more subjective than objective. While it is usually serious, humour may be used. The impact on the reader is that the process, with its depth, sophistication and worthwhileness involving insight, search and understanding, has involved him/her even if no clear resolution has been established. uEssay: Description(描述性的) The descriptive essay focuses on the use of a descriptive style develop the chosen topic.The purpose of the descriptive essay is to use description to support ideas about a subject.The audience is determined by the subject matter of the essay. The structure of this essay blends the conventions of the essay (introduction, development, conclusion) with those of descriptive writing. The language is built around a descriptive style which uses vivid language, figurative devices, emotive vocabulary, sensory imagery to appeal to the audience. The description is not limited to people, places or things, but may make clear abstract thought, establish the power of a feeling. The development of ideas on a topic remains the dominant throat of this writing, and the descriptive style is the dominant technique used. The voice of the writer will show sensitivity and creative appreciation of the manner in which description will enhance the development of the chosen topic. The voice may be objective or impressionistic communicating the observer’s feelings. In the descriptive essay the tone will be strongly individualistic as the personality of the writer is brought to bear on the chosen topic.The impact of the descriptive essay is its appeal to the reader’s senses and feelings. uEssay: Formal(正式的) The formal essay is a serious written discussion through which a writer conveys a viewpoint on a designated subject.The purpose of the formal essay is to write about a significant subject by focusing on the ideas rather than the person speaking. Definite structural patterns are associated with different forms of the formal essay (literary essay, classical essay, research essay, report, review). The formal essay is tightly focused on significant subject matter that may be highly specialized or universal. A definite introduction-development-conclusion pattern is used with carefully organized paragraphs to present a thesis, discuss it, and end with a clear conclusion. It is designed to appeal mostly to an audience that is articulate and concerned. The voice of the writer may be strong to subdued, objective to subjective, individualistic to universal. The language used is specialized, controlled, precise, sophisticated and even artistic. The paper offers the reader a cohesive body of thought leading to a definite point of view. The prose used may employ devices or be straightforward and direct. Just as in the informal essay, narration, description, exposition, or argument and persuasion may characterize the writing. The seriousness of the matter and the distance stance of the writer usually dictate the use of third person. The formal essay is usually more serious than the light-hearted tone of the informal essay. The impact which the writer wants for the reader is to think about a subject, to respond to the writer’s view, and to reach a conclusion related to that subject. uEssay: Humorous(幽默的) The informal humorous essay uses humour to develop the chosen topic.The purpose of this essay is to blend the conventions of essay (introduction, development, conclusion) with the use of humour. The audience has to be carefully considered as humour is very difficult to achieve and sustain. Age, background, culture, gender, social circumstances — all these play an important role in evoking humour.Structurally humour uses situation, characterization, the unexpected, malapropisms, uniqueness, etc. to appeal to the audience. The language of humour will use wit, parallelism, contrast, counterpoint, exaggeration , incongruity, juxtaposition, etc. The writer uses these to capture his/her audience with amusement or enjoyment, and then he will develop his thoughts about the chosen topic. The voice of the writer is not unlike the voice of the comedian, creating, appealing, challenging, evoking, bombarding, etc. the listener.The tone will be casual, personal, light-hearted.The impact is the extent to which the reader is amused by the style and point of the essay. uEssay: Informal(非正式的) The informal essay is a lighter approach to a selection of writing on topical ideas or issues.The purpose of an informal essay is to engage and involve the reader by writing in a casual, entertaining manner about a subject. The informal essay, such as an article or personal discussion of a subject, may be light-hearted or serious in tone.The content tends to address a topical or contemporary issue, often personal. The writer, whose own personality is often much in evidence, has a specific audience in mind e.g. a readership which will be engaged by such a style of writing. In terms of structure, the informal essay lends itself to the use of innovative approaches and organizational choices: for example, quotes, illustrations, opening anecdote, rhetorical questions, narratives, etc., that could lead to the point of the essay in an indirect fashion. The language of this essay is informal, even conversational, uses a variety of stylistic techniques to engage the reader. Still other devices used to reach the audience are personal anecdotes (narration), vivid images (description), elaborate ideas (exposition), arguments or pleas to create a case (argument/persuasion), satire or irony. All these language devices make the informal essay ‘accessible’ to a broad audience. The voice is strongly personal. The informal essay is commonly written in the first person because of the immediacy between writer and topic. uEssay: Literary(文学的,文艺的) The literary essay is a rigorously argued analysis/synthesis of a literary work(s).The purpose is to present or argue the validity of an assertion about a selection of literature. The audience is specialized and knowledgeable about literature and its appreciation/interpretation. The structure requires an early statement of thesis (intent), a logical sequence of points supported by textual references, a highly structured format, and a concluding paragraph for the thesis given. The tone is scholarly and presented by a voice which can range from distant to somewhat individualistic. The language used is formal, largely factual, denotative, and precise. The response/impact on the reader is the quality or level of academic rigor presented. The comparison-contrast essay is a particularly difficult variation of the literary analysis. The purpose may be to prove the superiority of one work over another or it may be to illuminate two or more works or authors. The mastery of the form is not only helpful in literary analysis but also in many other disciplines. While the structure of a comparison-contrast essay is similar to that of the literary analysis, the development of the thesis statement is more difficult in that the central idea must straddle common ground in the works being analysed. Similarly, the body of the essay must juggle more than one work while avoiding both the ‘tennis ball’ and ‘clumping’ techniques. Finally, the conclusion must synthesize the disparate elements raised in two or more works. uEssay: Narration(叙事) The informal narrative essay focuses on the use of a narrative style to develop the chosen topic.The purpose of the narrative essay is to communicate a significant experience in order to enlighten and perhaps persuade the reader.The audience is determined by the subject matter of the essay. The structure of this essay blends the conventions of the essay (introduction, development, conclusion) with those of a narrative. It has elements of story, but its thrust is to relate an idea or thesis, explicitly or implicitly, as opposed to developing character or plot in a pure narrative. A strong sense of sequencing is retained to establish a point in time, and the consequences of that experience. Chronology may be altered for dramatic or emotional impact. The language may be formal to informal and even colloquial. It is strongly expressive, using striking images, vivid storytelling. The voice of the writer is strongly individualistic as it uses those narrative activities to present his/her audience with thoughts about a chosen topic.The impact is determined by how effectively the narration elucidates the chosen thesis for the reader. uEssay: Personal(个人的) The personal essay is an expression of the writer's thoughts, feelings, and experiences.The purpose of a personal essay is to entertain and involve the reader by sharing the writer's personal response to a subject. The personal essay, such as an article or personal discussion of a subject, may be light-hearted or serious in tone.The content tends to address a topical or contemporary issue, often personal. The writer, whose own personality is often much in evidence, has a specific audience in mind; for example, the readership of a particular magazine, a certain group of administrators, an age group, peers, etc. In terms of structure, the informal essay lends itself to the use of innovative approaches and organizational choices: for example, an opening anecdote, rhetorical question, quotation, etc., that could lead to the point of the essay in an indirect fashion. A variety of stylistic techniques may be part of the language used to engage that audience, a language which is informal, often conversational. To engender interest, a writer may choose to include personal anecdotes (narration), create vivid images (description), elaborate an idea (exposition), build a case (argument/persuasion), or use other specific devices such as satire or irony. The voice is strongly individualistic. The informal essay is commonly written in the first person.The impact depends on the extent to which the writer holds the reader's attention by capturing his imagination, understanding, empathy, and sympathy. uEssay: Persuasive(说服的,劝说的) A persuasive essay is a selection of writing designed to change the reader's mind.The purpose of the persuasive essay is to convince the reader through a strong voice, the writer's conviction, vivid example and illustration to support the stated position taken by the writer. Structurally the persuasive essay respects the organization of the formal essay with greater freedom being taken in the use of supporting material and the impact of voice. The audience will shape the voice and tone of the writer, as it is the writer's intent to influence that group of readers.The voice of the writer is intentionally slanted, but must retain its credibility or integrity by avoiding generalization, fallacious reasoning, exaggeration. The language of a persuasive essay appeals to emotion more than to reason. Because of the predominance of the writer's voice, persuasion may be more emotional, the language more informal and even colloquial. The tone is fundamentally one of appealing to the reader to accept a thesis. The impact of a persuasive essay is to change or to confirm the reader's thinking about an issue or subject with a strong appeal to the emotions, by using examples and illustration, and by citing experience. uEssay: Research Paper(研究论文) The research essay is a paper on the research findings on the background of, knowledge and views about, a specific subject.The purpose of a research essay is to identify a thesis, and then in writing explore that thesis in the light of research findings from other writings about that thesis. The intended audience is presumed to be knowledgeable in the field, and the field, and the language in the essay would employ technical diction. Various style manuals have been published to establish the format and the technical aspects of a research essay e.g. APA or MLA. It adopts the structure of a paper with a thesis statement being introduced, defended, warranted and justified. A prime example is the social science paper which is a formal, objective presentation built around facts. Other research essay forms will involve laboratory procedures and case studies, which may be factual or subjective. The tone is academic and logical.The writer's voice is subordinated to the ideas and opinions of the other writer's whose writings have been researched. The impact is the broad understanding gained from the reading, the appreciation of the balanced exploration of the subject, a sense of the meticulousness of the research, and the reaching of a well-founded conclusion uEssay: Satirical(讽刺的) The satirical essay uses satire to develop the chosen topic. The purpose of this essay is to blend the conventions of the essay (introduction, development, conclusion) with the techniques of satire. Satire exploits human foibles or vices, and exposes foolishness with irony, derision and wit. An audience for a satire must be sensitive to satirical language (nuance, over-statement, tone) and open-minded enough to permit the satirist to irritate, anger or amuse. Usually this would mean a mature, sophisticated audience. Structurally, the satirical essay will employ standard essay form combined with devices such as exaggeration, implication, imaginative illustration, etc. to achieve audience response. The voice of the writer may be bitter and vituperative, but it is just as often humorous and ironic. The voice of the writer must use a tone that is either angry or comic, while realizing that anger may turn the reader away while a comic tone may more easily win agreement. The language used in a satire is dictated by the voice and tone which the writer adopts, and then that language creates and communicates the chosen voice and tone. The impact of satire is the ability to make the reader examine the foibles of the individual and society.
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