课程首页 >> 在线练习
  • 名称
  • Uint 7 Learning Evaluation
  • 所属章节
  • 分值
  • 0
  • 截止提交时间
  • 2013.02.28
  • 作业类型
  • 必做作业
  • 提交时间
  • 0001.01.01

1. Prepare a conversation with a partner, using expressions and sentences from this unit.

2. Finish the homework in this unit.

3. Discussion

    -  In your country culture who are the leaders in the family?

    -  When a decision needs to be made, who has the last word?

    -  Do you think managers should seek an employee’s view, before making a decision?

    -  How is it done in your office/school/family?
